The focus of development and research in the Control Technologies Horizontal Network is on:

  • the design of new building blocks that will contribute to a stronger integration of the physical and digital worlds in the factories of the future,
  • the development of new procedures that provide automatic comprehensive and in-depth product quality analysis (with the aim of ensuring 100% product quality)
  • development of new procedures for real-time assessment of the “condition” of machines and devices (PHM – Prognostics & Health Management)
  • development of new powerful tools for mining information in production data (with the help of mathematical models).

Taking into account the modern trends of Industry 4.0 and the assessment of the capacities and competences of the members of the CST cluster, we mainly focus on the following areas:

  • introduction of artificial intelligence methods into production control procedures,
  • the use of digital twins in the planning and monitoring of production processes,
  • development of procedures for assessing the state of production facilities,
  • development of a procedure for predicting production bottlenecks,
  • using the concept of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and
  • MES environment solution for real-time insight into production events.

The results of development activities are used in the vertical value chain Intelligent Control Systems for Factories of the Future (ICS FoF) and also in other vertical value chains within the SRIP FoF.