EFFRA is a European industry-driven non-profit association that aims to boost investments in industrial research so as to increase productivity in European manufacturing. EFFRA promotes the development of new and innovative production technologies through the EU’s Made in Europe Partnership under Horizon Europe.

Important links :

EFFRA main page

EFFRA Innovation Portalhere you can find projects collection from H2020, HE, I4MS …

Made in EU newsletter  Made in Europe Community Newsletter is the EFFRA’s free public newsletter focusing on projects under the Made in Europe Partnership, on events and on news!  Let’s shape the future of manufacturing together! Subscribe to EFFRA public newsletter!

Made in Europe partnership 

Made in Europe is the manufacturing partnership with the European Commission under the Framework Programme ‘Horizon Europe’ (2021_2027). In May 2019, a Made in Europe Partnership draft proposal was tabled and is since then been discussed between the relevant bodies involved, namely the European Commission, Member States and EFFRA.

To better define the possible scope and ambition of the Partnership, the Made in Europe guidance document and the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)  have been prepared by EFFRA in cooperation with the European Commission.  The document reflects the need for and the ambition of this new manufacturing partnership.

The Made In Europe partnership will be the voice and driver for sustainable manufacturing in Europe based on joined expertise and resources. It will boost European manufacturing ecosystems towards global leadership in technology, towards circular industries and flexibility. The Partnership will contribute to a competitive, green, digital, resilient and human-centric manufacturing industry in Europe. It will be at the centre of a twin ecological and digital transition, being both a driver and subject to these changes.

The Made in Europe calls 2023 and 2024 have been adopted in November 2022. You can find more information here. We are in the middle of preparation for the calls 2025-2027.

KC STV as beneficiary of SRIP ToP, has delegated representative Rudi Panjtar in the MiE board.

For further information  please contact rudi.panjtar(at)kcstv.si